The Front Bottoms

I am going to change it up for the last two posts! I want to talk about a band in general instead of going into detail about one of their works. Today, that band is the wonderfully strange Front Bottoms.

That name is one to throw you off for sure, and their musical style is not for all. Honestly, the lead singer's (Brian Sella) lyrics sound like a stream of conscience thoughts most of the time.

I first heard of The Front Bottoms back in high school. I refused to listen to them though for some strange reason that I can't recall. But when I did finally give them a chance, I fell in love. The first song I heard was "Twin Sized Mattress" which is a good one to ease you into their type of music. I loved the stream of thought for lyrics, I loved the pop-punk/rock feel it had, and I loved the unique voice of Brian Sella. It was just a fun and different band that I could immediately fall in love with.

Next, I listened to "Peach," and if you know me, I love calling people "peaches" or saying I'm "peachy" when someone asks me how I am. The song opens up with, "You are my peach. You are my plum." So, clearly, they had me hooked from the first few seconds of the song.

I paid a lot more attention to them coming into college. They've released two albums and multiple singles and EPs since I have been here.

The first album they released when I got into college was Back on Top in 2016. My roommate and I did not like it at all at first. Then we revisited it and realized it was amazing


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