Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Rainbow Kitten Surprise. What a name, and what a band!!

I recently got into this band, but I had heard of them. Honestly, I was turned off by the name. It sounded like a weird hardcore scene band, so I stayed away. They came up on one of my Daily Mixes by Spotify a few weeks ago, and I liked their sound. However, I did not go out of my way to listen to them.

Fast-forward to last weekend. I went on an amazing outdoor climbing trip in Kentucky with some friends, and on our way back Korey requested two songs by Rainbow Kitten Surprise. I put them on, and I instantly fell in love. We played "Cocaine Jesus"first and it was amazing. This blend of folk and rock was right up my alley. The vocals are what really got me into this band. The lead singer has such a smooth voice that is full of depth. He also can bring this rasp to his songs and it just kills me. Plus them harmonies give me CHILLS.

BUT then we played "First Class" and again, I fell in love immediately. Such energy and relatability with the lyrics. This one is probably my favorite right now, but I need to go out and listen more. I suggest you do the same.

Plus, everyone I have talked to about this band says they perform so well live. They bring so much energy on and off the stage.


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