Have You Seen My Prefrontal Cortex? --- A Great Big Pile of Leaves

Have You Seen My Prefrontal Cortex by A Great Big Pile of Leaves, wow! What a mouthful. Despite the long album name and band name, this album slays. It is a light and fun indie rock album with the use of brass instruments which give the music a fuller feel. Plus, who doesn't like a good trumpet every now and then?
AGBPOL released this album in June of 2010 (damn that's older than I thought), and I think that speaks to what the album is about and what kind of feels you get from it. It is all about summer. The lyrics and the sound AGBPOL makes definitely puts the listener in a mood to drive around with the windows down and play it as loudly as you can. They sing about sleeping in more, hanging out with friends more, and being just young. AGBPOL is also able to build up this wall of music and it's one of my favorite things about this band. They just build it up and up and up until they hit the chorus/highpoint of the song.
This album seems to be getting more and more popular. I heard some of the songs play in some popular clothing stores in the mall, and I was pleasantly surprised. It might have popped on a Spotify radio station or an employee in control of the aux has good taste in music. Either way, I was happily surprised, and the music really fits well with the atmosphere. 
This album is more accessible to more people than some of the albums I have written about before. It is just a fun, summery album to listen to when you need a pick-me-up.
Alligator Bop is my favorite off of the album. Give it a listen. 


  1. Rachel, I have never heard of this band or album but I gave it a listen and its pretty good. Chill vibes and it defiantly would be perfect for driving around on a summer day will the windows down and turned all the way up!


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