blond(e) --- Frank Ocean

WARNING: This blog is going to be a bit different this week. I'll talk about the music still, but I am mainly going to focus on my memories that I associate with the album.

Frank Ocean's blond(e) can play on repeat everyday for me. This album has not gotten old to me since it came out. It is probably because I have a really happy memory connecting me to this album. Whenever I listen to blonde I think of the time my significant other and I drove from San Diego, CA to LA. We played the entire album on the way up to LA and even some repeat songs on the way back to San Diego.
If you don't know me that well, or at all, my boyfriend lives in San Diego, and clearly, I don't. I am stuck here in good ole Peoria, IL until I graduate. We have been a long distance couple since September/October of 2016. So having blond(e) helps us kind of stay connected and happy during the times we spend apart. Whenever I listen to it, I immediately get a smile on my face, not only because of the album's amazing production or Frank's perfect voice, it just takes me back to the day we took that road trip.
Having memories associated with albums is really amazing. They bring up a lot of emotions and it just hits me, and maybe you, like a damn wave. But enough about me. Here is more of my opinion on Blonde. 
First, I love how when you talk about blond(e) and even google it, it can be spelled as Blonde or blond. This is not a mistake! When I first noticed this, I first thought of the mix of femininity and masculinity. Having and removing the feminine 'e' shows how people are both and can be both. Everything is not just black or white. It also can reflect his sexual preferences, he sings about both men and women. But I just love how he is starting these kind of conversations.
My favorite songs on this album have to be White Ferrari , Self Control, and Nights. White Ferrari features Bon Iver at the end and my golly. Does that fit so well with the aesthetic and sound of blond(e). 


  1. I really enjoyed reading about the story behind your blog. I can totally relate to having memories being associated with songs/albums. Sometimes I hear a song and it just brings up sad memories and I am not sure if I like or hate those ones because all memories good or bad also played a part in the person we are today. To be honest I never actually listened to this album before but I did take a look at the songs you listed and listened to them; they aren't bad. :D


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